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How to write a blog 

It’s a little unorthodox for a company that makes it’s money from writing blogs to tell you exactly what our process is to writing successful blogs, but here are. By now, you should be able to expect the unexpected with TILT Creative

We are writing this to help you in two ways: firstly, if you’re a writer or you want to write your own blogs, at least you shall be on the right track, and secondly, if you’re interested in hiring someone, or us, to write your blogs, you will understand a little about what goes into the process, and hopefully, be more respectful of the craft on the whole. Research, writing, editing and publishing might sound simple, but there are many unknowns that happen during each of those processes and many people take them for granted. We’ve been doing this for a long time, so this method is tried and true for us. 

Research, research and research

The first and most critical stage before getting the first word on paper is research. You have to know what you’re writing about in order to write about it. This does not matter if this is an old client or a new one; research is research, and it’s your responsibility to continuously educate yourself on your client’s industry. While you might not see this as an asset, it will help big time when you’re writing as you’ll have some interesting angles that others will not have thought of. Don’t stop the research phase. 

It’s kind of like Einstein, but more like Newton and a lot like Tesla

The illusive, infinite stream of ideas comes from research. If you don’t research, or don’t think about different angles, your well of ideas will run dry. If you have to write about trees because your client or employer is a tree surgeon, then you have to look for all the interesting things about trees, such as the lifecycle of a tree, different root systems and the impact on properties, or even the most common type of trees being cut in a specific area. There are lots of angles once you start looking and it makes your overall blog more interesting. No one really cares solely about cutting trees, but they will read an article at the intricacies of root systems if they know it can impact their home’s foundation and possible selling price in future. 

Yes, yes, keywords and SEO etc etc  

Yes, keywords are important for SEO but they are also very helpful when you’re writing to keep a consistent vocabulary. This is a much deeper topic that we will delve into specific to industry, as it varies across industries. 

All about the peoples 

Who are you writing for? This is very important to know to be able to determine your tone, vocabulary, voicing and writing style. For instance, if you’re writing for a legal audience, your tone will be more stern and factual, and your approach and language will be rooted in the legal world, unlike writing for a show stopping agency like TILT where flamboyancy and flare are key qualities. Additionally, you would not use complex linguistics when writing for the average person; you would normally keep it simple, structured and interesting. 

Also, don’t stop the research phase. 

Content Strategy 

Think of your content strategy like your map. This will guide you through all those dark patches when you’re not sure what to write about or what angle to take. It takes the guess work out of what you have to do, while maintaining a level of consistency and comprehensiveness on your or your client’s blog.

The Outline 

The actual writing is the hard part at first, but we promise it can get easier if you’re dedicated, persistent and willing to do the work. Do yourself a favour and make an outline of your blog before you start writing. If you have to write about the history of communication, decide what angle you’re about to tackle and then lay out the basic structure in your editor. It will help you keep on track when you’re writing, and will also aid in tying together each idea into this lovely rope that someone will read and enjoy. 

Again, don’t stop the research phase. 

Word vomit your first draft 

So you’ve got the research done, the list of ideas that have been plugged into the content strategy, you’ve chiselled out your target market so your tone, approach and voice are all waiting at the gate, and you have written your outline. It’s time to turn off your phone, put on your headphones to the best classical music you can find, and just write. A large number of people don’t make it here and quit before they have begun, but not you. You can do this. Write your words and follow your outline. Don’t worry too much about how it sounds as we have the whole revision phase to worry about that stuff. Just get down to the brass tacks, put your ass in the chair and hammer out those words on the keyboard. This is the only way your blog will come to life, unless you are using voice recognition software which is very cool and high tech but lacks the clacking sound of productivity.

The point is, you have to write something in order to edit it and then publish it. Some write a little and then edit it and then write a little more and overthink the paragraph approach and rewrite it… and so on. Just get the words on page. 

Reduce, refine, revise 

Put your work down and do something else that has nothing to do with writing or anything that you’ve written about. Put another hat on for a while and only come back when you have forgotten what you have written. Your brain plays tricks on you and will “autocorrect” in your head when you’re familiar with the work. It’s like when you’re reading something out loud that someone else has written, sometimes, you’ll read it with different words in different places, and more along the way you would have written it, not the way it was precisely written. So remove yourself from that mindset and come back with fresh eyes so that you can clearly see your errors and avoid cerebral autocorrect. 

Publish… into the future! 

And now you’re done writing and ready to set loose your words to the world! Always try to write in advance so that your blog is always healthy and always consistently updated no matter what happens in your world. Many blogs went silent after the pandemic lockdowns because they used to write and publish as they went along, without anything in the pipeline completed and scheduled. Being a couple of weeks ahead of yourself is a fantastic thing. Aim to get there. 

And don’t forget! Don’t. Stop. The. Research. Phase. 

Now away with you and write some words with confidence and pride!  

About TILT Creative Agency 

TILT Creative is a UK based creative agency specialising in content creation and managed solutions for blogs, websites, branding and social media. Désiré, the chief writer, artist and strategist behind TILT Creative Agency, has worked with a variety of clients (from startups to luxury brands) across all kinds of industries (such as automotive, beverage, construction, oil and gas, tourism, and health and safety) across the United Kingdom, Dubai and the Caribbean.

TILT Creative’s core philosophy is to change the perspective, or ‘tilt’ it. How can you TILT your business? Could it be a brand refresh, a better experience on your website, or perhaps a stronger blog strategy? Maybe writing a book on your expertise could skyrocket your company’s credibility and revenue? 

Désiré’s work quality stems from her ability to infuse your brand’s story with the essence of abstract creativity, and disseminate a unique experience to your customers on an individual level, while meeting your business’ objectives. Her comprehensive research process, attention to detail, and pursuit of perfection embellishes every piece of her work: writing and design. The results are always favourable.

Ready to TILT your business? Find out more at www.TILTcreative.agency or send an email to hello@TILTcreative.agency.

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