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Small to medium business owners: take a good look at your brand. Does it exude top tier excellence or does it remind you of a mom-and-pop corner shop vibe? If it’s the former, then congratulations on looking like you can bat with the best. But if it was the latter, then we need to have a conversation. And if you can’t tell, or aren’t sure, then we definitely need a têt-à-têt. 

You see, in business, image is everything. A drive around a city centre will tell you everything you need to know about imagery. As individuals we are very guilty of this: we get the latest in fashion and invest in Gucci shoes, drive a nice car and keep it clean, update our tech every year and never caught with soot on our faces. Image matters, big time. If two people came to an interview for a customer facing role, one smartly dressed sporting a designer bag and had a dazzling smile, and another looking drab with unbrushed hair pulled back and a laptop bag that had definitely seen better days, you would pick the smartly dressed one, even if the candidate with the unkempt hair was more qualified; because image matters. 

Oh, what’s that? What do job candidates have to do with your branding? News flash: your brand is customer facing. All of your marketing material is customer facing. And nearly all of your customers and potential customers make a decision about your brand before they even speak to you; just as you would have made a decision upon seeing those two candidates described above before even looking at their CVs or hearing their pitch. You knew the moment that you set eyes on them. And guess what? Your target market also knows. 

My business is B2C: 

Many retail-based customer-facing businesses have started out in someone’s basement, spare room or garage. Look at some of the biggest in the business. Apple never looked like a garage-based company, and Steve Jobs never gave the impression that they were small: they were about to take over the world! And that’s how you take your tiny idea and turn it into a massive industry dominating machine. While Apple was at the forefront of the technology revolution, the same rule applies today, regardless of where you are sitting in the market. You can be at rock bottom, but with the right branding you can look like a top dog and propel to the top of the market, by adjusting your image positioning and delivering on all of your promises. 

My business is B2B:

If your business is B2B, this is even more pertinent. Your B2B business, regardless of its size, needs to look and feel like a big company if you want to be taken seriously. Businesses want to know that their money is in capable hands, and typos do not inspire faith. Brands that lack a certain polish tend to not work well and stay small. But businesses that have a brand that makes them look much bigger than they are, skyrocket up the market ladder. This is even more important if your business has to participate in tenders. While you think that your business development and tendering process will take care of your sales requirements, your company is losing out big time just because you look smaller than you should. No one wants a cowboy handling their business, so you have to make sure that your brands is updated and well polished, like a brand spanking new Bentley. 

What do I do? 

Well, if you have established that your brand needs a spruce, you call in TILT for an obligation free consultation and we’ll tell you what you can do to make your brand look bigger than it is. You see, perception is what can impact image. We need to give customers and clients the impression that your office is in Central London and that your executive team live in mansions and are chauffeured around in Bentleys. That’s the level of polish that every successful brand has, and that’s what you should have, regardless of your business size. 

Your business can be so much bigger than it currently is! Let’s work together to make that happen! 

About TILT Creative Agency 

TILT Creative is a UK based creative agency specialising in content creation and managed solutions for blogging, websites, branding and design. Désiré, the chief writer, artist and strategist behind TILT Creative Agency, has worked with a variety of clients (from startups to luxury brands) across all kinds of industries (such as automotive, beverage, construction, oil and gas, tourism, and health and safety) all over the world, including the United Kingdom, Dubai, Africa, America and the Caribbean.

TILT Creative’s core philosophy is to change the perspective, or ‘tilt’ it. How can you TILT your business? Could it be a brand refresh, a better experience on your website, or perhaps a stronger blog strategy? Maybe writing a book on your expertise could skyrocket your company’s credibility and revenue? 

Désiré’s work quality stems from her ability to infuse your brand’s story with the essence of abstract creativity, and disseminate a unique experience that stimulates the senses to your customers on an individual level, while meeting your business’ objectives. Her comprehensive research process, attention to detail, and pursuit of perfection embellishes every piece of her work: writing and design. The results are always favourable.

Ready to TILT your business? Find out more at www.TILTcreative.agency or send an email to hello@TILTcreative.agency.

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